Tea Party Hosts Bob Bowdon This Sunday

The NJ Tea Party Coalition is hosting what I think looks like a pretty cool event this Sunday, Save Jerseyans.

Thought I’d pass along the details:


New Jersey Tea Parties United, The New Jersey Tea Party Caucus and Smart Girl Politics are proud to bring you a School Choice Week event with special guest, BOB BOWDON, creator of the education expose’, “THE CARTEL” and now executive director of ChoiceMedia.TV, an education reform news service.

Featuring: A special meet & greet with Bob Bowden Bob Bowden’s newest movie clips

Panel discussion followed by a Q&A session



Sunday Jan 22nd, 2:00pm – 5:00pm

Franklin L Williams Middle School

222 Laidlaw Avenue, Jersey City


Save Jersey is not affiliated with any particular Tea Party group. We do, however, support citizens getting together, informing each other and debating important points of public policy. It’s a good thing. Bowdon’s The Cartel has become a cult classic in New Jersey and beyond. Any New Jerseyan passionate about school choice and education reform would benefit from hearing what he has to say. You might want to check it out if your in the Jersey City area this weekend.

Here’s some reaction to The Cartel documentary’s premiere back in 2009:


Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is SaveJersey.com's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.


  1. Tea Party is a symbol of white American middle class anger. However,its political platform is dangerous to American system of democracy! Why? It is pitting people against each others and it would pave the road for right wing politicians to rule with iron fist. It has happened in the past, and sadly it is happenining at the time of this writing. History will be a merciless judge.

  2. (1) Most comments from new commenters are moderated… our spam filter doesn't mess around. Be patient and we'll get to it.

    (2) Allen West, Marco Rubio, Susana Martinez, Bobby Jindal and a host of other Tea Party leaders would get a big kick of your stunningly ignorant allegation. This country is under the iron boot of BIG GOVERNMENT; something the aforementioned men and women are working hard to reverse.

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