The Last Ten Days? It Needs to Be.

Mitt Romney is the undisputed winner of both the Iowa Caucuses and the New Hampshire Primary.

Governor Mitt Romney: The Best Choice? The Only Choice!

No non-incumbent has ever pulled this off, Save Jerseyans. Ever. Hasn’t happened. So much for the “weak incumbent” argument that many talking heads stubbornly continue to peddle on the cable networks. It was always just a transparent attempt to create a competitive air and boost ratings.

Better still for Romney, the South Carolina RCP average shows Romney leading his closest rival, Rick Santorum, by almost 11-points. That’s not an insurmountable lead. Romney’s rivals will spend millions on television ads in this conservative “First in the South” contest, and each ad is designed to tear him down. But with just ten days left before the Palmetto State weighs in, the GOP field’s leading yankee is in a strong position with a +10 point buffer.

So unless the polls move unexpectedly over the next several days, it’s clear enough to me that Mitt Romney is the Republican Party’s presumptive nominee for 2012. Mitt knows this; his NH victory speech  sounded a lot more like a convention acceptance speech. And it was great. Very presidential.

I’d be nice if his opponents in the party recognized it, came to terms with reality, put down their war clubs, and dedicated the next 9-10 months to strengthening Governor Romney’s national organization, assuming of course that South Carolina goes the way I believe it will. After all, he’s going to need all the help he can get against Barack Obama’s money/union/media machine.

Newt Gingrich: Wants a Win at Any Cost

Thus far Mitt’s primary challengers haven’t conceeded anything. They’re entitled to stay in, just like it’s their right to labor under the delusion that the Republican Party is still desperately searching for a “conservative alternative,” a term coined by the liberal media to undermine the likely GOP nominee but greedily co-opted by ambitious Republican rivals.

I respectfully disagree with their analysis. A sizable chunk of the party is still looking for a safe conservative, i.e. someone we can trust 110% to never sign a single bill that departs from orthodox conservative doctrine. They’re increasingly realizing that this mythical super-candidate doesn’t exist. Even Reagan wasn’t “super,” only better than anything else in modern times. Perry, Gingrich, and Santorum each have a few liberal or less-than-ideologically-pure skeletons in their respective closets… just like Romney.

Given the lack of genuine economic disagreement between the candidates, Gingrich and Perry have unburdened themselves of their principles and adopted a strange, anti-capitalism argument with which to try and winnow Romney’s growing delegate advantage. Two self-styled conservatives actually want us, the GOP base, to be angry at Mitt Romney for investing in failing companies… some of which failed anyway, but many more of which were saved as a direct result of his skilled intervention.

Did they actually think THIS would work??

I doubt it. They’re not dumb men; just a tad desperate? And all they’ve succeeded in doing is both offending and then driving conservatives like yours truly further into Governor Romney’s camp. We believe in the free market. Above all else, I don’t want a candidate determined to run against it! South Carolina’s U.S. Senator and conservative icon Jim DeMint agrees; he defended Romney today and stopped just short of endorsing him. He did, however, predict a Romney win in SC on January 21st.

All that’s left for Gingrich and Perry to accomplish is further embarrass themselves after otherwise laudable careers in public service. They might be able to aid Obama’s opposition research team by pre-producing their attack ads for them. But what decent Republican would consciously choose such a thing?

The only respectable course for the remainder of the field to adopt is a ten day campaign. Shelve these ridiculous anti-capitalism ads and hit the Governor on his true weak points: a late-life conversion to the pro-life cause, Romneycare, etc. Then we’ll see who South Carolina believes is the best man to take on Barack Obama in November.

Then, when SC has weighed in, it will become clear that a candidate with IA, NH and SC in his pocket isn’t a candidate at all; he’s a presumptive nominee. And that nominee will deserve our respect and support from that moment forward. Our republic’s future depends on it.


Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8729 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.


  1. 40% of Americans Are Now Independent. Independents Would Vote for Paul Over Obama….Gallup finds a record high-high 40%

    of all Americans now identify as independents. This is higher than the

    31% of Americans who identify as Democrats and 27% as Republicans.

    And which candidate do independents like?

    According to a new CBS poll, they like Ron Paul.

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