Santorum is Right: College Isn’t the Answer for Everyone!

The real “devil” is in the details of our educational system, Save Jerseyans, and Rick Santorum is on his tail.

Senator Santorum is getting a lot of grief today for challenging a sacred cow of our society: the contemporary notion that EVERY American child must aspire to a four year college degree.

But do we really need a country full of nothing but British Literature majors? And by “we,” I mean those of us who want to see a strong U.S. economy? I doubt it, and maybe that’s one of the reasons why, despite our country’s historic and persistantly high unemployment rate, some experts believe there are well over 3 million unfilled skilled positions in the United States.

We need to rethink the entire presmise of our education system (that college is the universal end goal for all students); Santorum earns points with me for broaching the topic. Watch this slightly long but positively excellent explantory segment from the groundbreaking Waiting for Superman documentary:


Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8760 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.


  1. I think you would have made an excellent short order cook Matt. Too bad YOU went to Law School and became just another lawyer. Wouldn't want the great unwashed to have that same chance now, would you. (he says sarcastically). I mean, its not like an education will help with job prospects or crime, or drugs, or any of those things that can help people pull themselves up in the world….Yup…wonder who the real snobs are.

  2. Maybe Matt is saying not everyone needs a four year degree? Look at all the folks doing great without a degree or without real need of the degree they've earned. There has to be a better way than getting saddled with tons of debt for a degree you can;'t use.

  3. Of course…but if the opportunity is there for everyone to attend or not attend, then let THEM make the choice…no?

  4. Also, maybe I'm wrong…a good short order cook is worth two lawyers any day of the week…so maybe Matt wouldn't have made a good one.

  5. I'm talking about restructuring education so that kids have more options earlier on. There shouldn't be two tracks only… four year college or the government bread line.

    What are YOU broaching? A college mandate? I'm fine with citizens making that choice with their own money.

  6. This is from President Obama today…

    Speaking before most of the nation's governors at the White House Monday, the president appeared to hit back at Santorum’s comments without mentioning the Republican presidential candidate by name.

    “I have to make a point here,” the president said. “When I speak about higher education, we're not just talking about a four year degree.”

    “We're talking about somebody going to a community college and getting trained for that manufacturing job that now is requiring somebody walking through the door handling a million dollar piece of equipment, and they can't go in there unless they've got some basic training beyond what they received in high school,” he continued.

    During his State of the Union Address last month, Obama said of the issue, "Higher education can't be a luxury – it is an economic imperative that every family in America should be able to afford."

  7. Rick, you are dense. Perhaps if we had more skilled laborers in the proud tradition of American craftsmanship, people like you would not see suggesting it as snobbery. if you spent your day with young people you would see the pride many kids have upon actually creating a tangible item, or making something that works. This is about recognizing people's skills & talents and respecting people who work with their hands. Why do you see that as put down? Our country can't survive without skilled labor. They are the life force of a strong economy. Once upon a time in NJ, the motto, "Trenton makes, the world takes" demonstrated pride in our blue collar labor force. The goal is to give kids guidance in career choice, and whatever that choice is, hopefully job opportunity & pride in their work will follow. I detect snobbery in your comments suggesting otherwise.

  8. Of course you would. I'm not saying anything about having a skill…not at all. I'm saying that you need to give them the choice. Aren't all you republicans about school choice. And, apparently, so is the president. Hell, I wish I made as much as my plumber. But it takes education…one way or the other, to become a good plumber….no? But thanks for suggesting that since I have a differing opinion, that I'm dense. Really? Who's the snob again? I'm just tired of all you elitist republicans that look down on people for wanting to lift themselves up..with a little help. Shameful.

  9. Then you must be a Dem because you have the gift of twisting other people's words. You need to reread what I said, but then again, it may be too challenging for you. I repeat, if you can't comprehend the point, then you are dense & no amount of remediation will help.

  10. Ahhhh..yes…the comprehension argument. I get it now. I bet you even went to college, didn't you Annie? But again, thanks for the names…it just reinforces that elitist persona of you republicans.

  11. I agree with you on this one. College is not for everyone. And everyone is CERTAINLY not ENTITLED to go to college as some think. My husband and I work very hard to send our own sons (and some strangers) to college. They chose to go….we chose to work and pay for it. I chose not to go because I wanted to go right to work in NYC. I got a job as a file clerk, showed initiative, took charge and became the dept head making great money. I think Santorum was right on this and many other things. For instance, even though many think that he is only about social issues, which he is not, I find nothing wrong with bringing morality and family values into the discussion when chosing an American President. How far will we stray from what our founding fathers envisioned?

  12. To be fair, I don't recall reading anything on or by the founding fathers that would imply that they cared about family values. In fact many of them were not exemplary images of family men.

    I do not mean to say values are not important, but I don't think its necessary to invoke the founding fathers when speaking on it.

  13. "you don't recall"???? How about The Federalist Papers? There are plenty of books out there discussing original intent with references to writings of all the participants and the construction, deliberation and acceptance of the Constitution. You may want to go back and refresh your memory. I can recommend any of these books if you wish.

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