Save Jersey Welcomes New Contributors Rickards, Mulraney

As part of your Blogger-in-Chief’s ongoing commitment to showcasing the best young conservative minds in the Garden State, Save Jerseyans, please allow me to introduce our two newest contributors at Save Jersey:

Jordan Rickards, Esq. has been practicing law for over seven years, and has handled over two thousand cases in the fields of criminal, civil, municipal, and family law.

He has been nominated by the North Brunswick Republican Organization to serve on the Township Council in 2009, by the Middlesex County Republican Organization to serve on the Board of Chosen Freeholders, and by the Middlesex and Somerset County Republican Organizations to serve in the State Senate.  He has been interviewed by the Home News, the Star Ledger, the Old Bridge Sentinel, and the North Brunswick Sentinel, and was endorsed by the Home News for the position of Freeholder in 2010.  He was also the Republican nominee for State Senator in Legislative District 17 in 2011.

You can read more from Jordan at


Michael Mulraney is a 22-year-old graduating senior at the University of Scranton majoring in Political Science originally from Pine Hill, New Jersey (Camden Counrt).

He was a College Republican President for two years and a founding member of the Young Americans for Liberty at the school. Michael has delivered remarks to multiple Tea Party groups in Northeast Pennsylvania and hosted “The Spectrum” the first news talk show in the history of the University of Scranton’s radio station.

You can read more of Mike’s conservative musings at


Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.