Romney Wins Round One of General Election TV Ad War (VIDEO)

The contrast between President Obama and Mitt Romney’s respective “first” campaign TV commercials of the 2012 general election says all you need to know about the difference between these two men.

Hint: it’s not a flattering comparison for our current Commander-in-Chief!

Obama’s opening salvo is a reflection of his personality: a sarcastic, cynical and thoroughly-misleading personal attack on Mitt Romney, Bain Capital and our capitalist system writ large. Historically, campaigns typically start off with positive “bio” or “vision” thematic pieces intended to introduce (or reintroduce) their candidate to the public. It’s extremely telling how, unlike Reagan in ’84 or Bush in ’04, Obama is forced to go negative right out of the gate. Very, very sad!

But then again, what can we expect to see when the Obama Administration has absolutely nothing positive to hang its hat on, Save Jerseyans.

By contrast, Mitt Romney is responding with his brand new and decidedly upbeat “Day One” ad. It’s literally a look at what his first day in office might look like, and I think it’s a vision most Americans would see as a welcome change:


‘Round One’ of the TV war? Romney by knock-out, Save Jerseyans!

What’s your take? Weigh in below…


Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.

1 Comment

  1. that Romney's refusal to raeelse his tax returns would come back to bite him big time … and it did in the SC Primary.Romney forgot the first rule of politics … the need to be proactive rather than reactive … and now he is left playing catch-up politics .. never a good thing.It is not his wealth that is at issue. He could have turned his success into electoral advantage … 'We should celebrate success. It is the American dream and give me a chance and I will make you (America) wealthy too' … or suchlike. He has squandered that chance. He is playing the Washington outsider vs the Washington insider card and how that that will resonate remains to be seen.But I continue to be amazed that the GOP sees Romney and Gingrich as quality candidates. They are to the Republicans much like Goff was to Labour and Peters to National before be jumped/pushed.On current form I fear that Obama will win at a canter.Mike Huckerbee … where are you?

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