NJ-6 GOP Primary Reaches Boiling Point (UPDATED)

UPDATE: 6/1/12 @ 5:14 p.m.

Mayor Little is rejecting her opponent’s characterization of a lawsuit filed in Essex County. She says it was “frivolous;” moreover, Little contends it that the Plaintiffs weren’t even her clients (though the complainants claim otherwise in their court paperwork).

A statement from Little’s campaign:

The recent lawsuit detailed by the opponent in his exaggerated press release and by various blog entries is merely an example of a frivolous lawsuit against a small business owner. Anna’s personal experience in dealing with politically motivated attacks and lawsuits make her a strong proponent of Tort Reform, which would limit liability from frivolous lawsuits and allow small businesses to operate.

Tort Reform will also allow the courts to focus on prosecuting and punishing repeat violators. We all know that there are too many frivolous lawsuits that plague New Jersey, backlog the court system, and limit small businesses. A frivolous lawsuit is every small business owner’s greatest fear, where the legal defense fees could exceed their income. There are also those who file lawsuits, in the hope that the innocent business owner will settle for a smaller cash amount, rather than pay potentially larger legal fees in a court case.

In Anna’s situation, the person who filed suit against her was not even her client. Voters making a simple search of public records will uncover the truth of the case.

Original Post: 6/1/12 @ 9:00 a.m.

The you-know-what hit the fan yesterday in New Jersey’s NJ-6 Republican Primary, Save Jerseyans.

Ernesto Cullari went after his opponent, Anna Little, over a “default” entered against her in Essex County. Among other allegations, the Plaintiffs in that matter (allegedly former clients of Little) accused her by way of complaint of advising them to pay illegal alien employees in cash…

You can read the court filings supplied by the Cullari campaign here.

Cullari used this opposition research to attack Little’s conservative credentials:

Unfortunately for the Middlesex Republican Party and Little supporters, this information was not released sooner. Former Freeholder, Mayor and attorney who touts herself as a “TEA Party Conservative” is encouraging business owners to pay illegal workers in cash. This is a despicable act on Mrs. Little part as a so-called conservative and attorney.”

Little responded directly in an email blast to supporters last night; the email was titled “what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger…”

Every citizen has the right to seek legal redress if they believe they have been wronged. The other party also has the right to defend themselves, and be judged by a judge or a jury of their peers. The pending legal action is an allegation. There is no final money judgement in the matter. It has just come to my attention that Default has been entered, a technicality which occurs when one party doesn’t answer on time. I have filed an Answer and have sought legal counsel to defend me. I intend to seek to vacate default, defend myself, and make motion for the complaint to be dismissed as we deem appropriate after thorough review of the matter.”

Only four days to go before NJ-6 votes. Visit our archives to get the full scoop on the Little v. Cullari battle royale while it lasts…


Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8538 Articles
MATT ROONEY is SaveJersey.com's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.


  1. ” It has just come to my attention that Default has been entered” Anna

    You were served months ago! You knew Anna, do not lie to us!

  2. Back in 2010, GOP was desperate to elect Diane Gooch as their candidate. Again this year they want Ernesto Cullari. Why does GOP dislike Little so much??

    I did hear Ernesto Cullari speak. Pallone will have him for lunch. Cullari may seem like a nice person, but he sounds naive and unknowledgeable. I would not feel comfortable voting for him to be my representative.

  3. The fact that the latest informatin coming out shows how she dragged out a lawsuit for 10 years when she was defending a strip club that didn't pay it's taxes! She is a major spin artist! This is laughable! She needs to withdraw from the Primary immediately.

  4. Cullari is really taking it to Anna, with this kind of fighting spirit he is gonna hammer Pallone into the ground!!!

    In 2010 Anna seemed and acted so weak when she wouldn't say anything bad about Frank, even when he was unloading on her. With all of this info coming out, Anna should just drop out.

  5. Could it possibly be all the Little back room deals she makes? Or maybe the fact that she can't get any paperwork right? Or maybe it's the frivolous lawsuits she drags out wasting taxpayer money(for strip culbs!) Or maybe it's the fact that every time she tells a lie she digs her hole deeper. How could anyone want her in Congress?

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