Advice from One Jersey Guy to Another

Save Jersey Contributor, former Congressional Candidate and Ordained Minister Dale Glading

As if he needed it, I feel compelled to offer some unsolicited advice to Gov. Chris Christie as he prepares to deliver the keynote address at this week’s Republican national convention.

Having lived the first 51 years of my life in the Garden State before I came to my senses and relocated to the Sunshine State in 2011, I think I can provide Mr. Christie with both an insider’s and an outsider’s viewpoint.

So here goes, as they say, for better or worse…

First, be yourself. Yes, I know that you already know that and, in fact, you have no intention of doing otherwise. After all, being your unvarnished self is what brought you national headlines and captured attention – and hearts – across America.

So don’t pull any punches. Call them as you see them or, better yet, as the vast majority of Americans see them. President Obama and the Democrats have given you more than enough ammunition to fill the entire convention, let alone your time slot.

Second, use humor and avoid bullying. Yes, I know that you know this, too. However, you haven’t always, shall we say, exercised the proper amount of restraint in this area.

There is a fine line between being refreshingly candid and being perceived as a bully. So shoot straight from the hip with no apologies, but don’t get into name calling.

Chris Christie in Sea Isle City, NJ

Third, go for the body first. Successful prizefighters know that if you pummel the body long enough, the legs will eventually give way.

So hit the Democratic Party hard, again and again. Attack them for their failed economic policies, their divisiveness and class warfare, their foreign policy weaknesses and their extremist positions on social issues like gay marriage and partial birth abortion.

Then, when you sense the time is right, go for the head. That’s right; deliver a real haymaker square between President Obama’s eyes. He’ll see it coming, but he won’t have time to duck.

Fourth, know when to back off. As a former federal prosecutor, you know the tricks of the trade. Make your point, but as soon as you deliver the knockout punch, retreat to a neutral corner. Your audience will know that you had your opponent on the ropes, but that you demonstrated self-control and even a little mercy. People like that.

Finally, accept none of the credit for your victory. Give glory to God and credit to the people. And don’t forget the founding fathers who made all of this possible.

We all stand on the shoulders of the giants who went before us. And if you have any aspirations of national office yourself, recognize that the giant in this year’s election is Mitt Romney.

Best of luck, Gov. Christie. I’ll be watching from ringside.


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