New Jersey top-of-the-ticket candidates in 2012 (Kyrillos) and 2013 (Christie) have issued statements congratulating Paul Ryan…
Governor Chris Christie (R-NJ):
With Paul Ryan on the ticket this is a team that understands the economic stagnation our country has been facing the last four years and the urgency with which we need to change course. The Romney-Ryan team is uniquely positioned to make the tough choices necessary to confront our fiscal challenges and get results.”
U.S. Senate Candidate Joe Kyrillos (R-NJ):
We need thoughtful leaders who want to solve our problems and strengthen our economy like Congressman Ryan, not politicians like Bob Menendez who make our problems worse. With 42 months of over 8% unemployment, rising poverty levels, and declining household incomes it is clear Bob Menendez has failed New Jersey. That’s why New Jersey will vote this November for change.”
Every Union Democrat's worst nightmare just came true ….CC will be around for a while longer to work his magic for the taxpayers on New Jersey !