It’s Time for the Kyrillos Campaign to Bust a Move

Another day, another new FDU poll; this one focuses on New Jersey’s 2012 statewide federal contests:

Barack Obama leads Mitt Romney by thirteen percentage points (49 to 36%), and incumbent Senator Robert Menendez is favored over State Senator Joe Kyrillos by twelve points (45 to 33%), according to the latest statewide poll by Fairleigh Dickinson University’s PublicMind.”

You can read the entire polling report here, Save Jerseyans, but the results tell us nothing new…

In New Jersey, Obama continues to lead Romney by less than what he beat McCain by in 2008 but by much more than Kerry defeated Bush by in 2004. Incumbent Bob Menendez is still below 50% but Joe Kyrillos remains virtually unknown outside of Monmouth County. Again… every poll is sayingexactly  the same thing. And Senator Kyrillos could turn it all around and make this into a top tier race BUT FOR the fact that Menendez can boast roughly 5x the financial resources of his Republican challenger as of the end of Q2.

What to do about it? Thus far, the Kyrillos campaign has been playing it relatively safe in my humble opinion. Focusing on jobs, nothing but jobs, and visiting businesses to discuss… jobs. All good, vital, important stuff for sure and consistent with popular wisdom, but it still hasn’t helped expand his name recognition or excite national activists to adopt and fund his effort (see “Ted Cruz”).

I think it’s time for the Kyrillos campaign, as the kids say, to “bust a move” and do something outside-the-box to get the new media and tea party folks interested in his effort beyond our borders. There’s a ton of grassroots focus on the GOP’s larger efforts to retake the U.S. Senate in 2012. What are “we” doing, as New Jersey Republicans, to tap into that movement for the purposed of firing Bob Menendez? Maybe something is happening; I just haven’t seen any evidence of it.

And frankly, Save Jerseyans, I don’t think Senator Kyrillos can win without figuring it out unless President Obama’s New Jersey polling completely collapses.


Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8765 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.


  1. I wholeheartedly agree, Joe needs a bigger social media presence and he needs to find a way to make Menendez talk about HIM. I've seen far more ads for Linda McMahon than ads for either Menendez or Kyrillos, that's an opening.

  2. Perhaps accepting the invitation from

    would be a good start. There are almost 300,000 weekly listeners and among the listeners it is known that Joe has been invited many times over the last month. It is time for Joe to drop the loosing NJGOP playbook here in NJ and try something new.

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