It’s Time to Renew the Spirit of America

I noted how far the moon seemed from Aurora, Colorado after last month’s shooting, Save Jerseyans.

Today it does for a very different reason. Neil Armstrong, legendary American astronaut and the first man to land on the moon, is dead at age 82.

U.S. Senate Candidate Joe Kyrillos (R-NJ) waxed philosophical:

Susan and I join with all Americans as we mourn the passing of a true American hero and we send our condolences to the Armstrong family. I, like many 9 years olds of that time, recall being huddled around a grainy black and white television with family and friends watching Neil Armstrong take that first step and being filled with a deep sense of patriotism, pride and possibility. But, Neil Armstrong was more than the first man to walk the surface of the moon. He was a man who inspired a great nation to look toward the heavens and believe that American achievement was boundless. Today, our nation faces great challenges and needs leaders like Neil Armstrong to inspire us to take that giant leap forward. In doing so we will not only honor the legacy of a man who honored us, but we will also renew the spirit of America.”

Kyrillos is right. Armstrong was a living reminder of a time when this country set its sights a little higher.

Let’s use this sad occasion rededicate ourselves to renewing the spirit which he embodied, Save Jerseyans.


Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.

1 Comment

  1. I think the plan to dismantle the city of Camden's police department is ridiculous. I understand the reasons behind it, such as lack of funds and lack of officers, and things of that nature, but getting rid of the entire police department is a bit too much. Everyone knows, or should be aware, that Camden is one of, if not the most dangerous city in the country. Eliminating the current police force and replacing it with a county-wide "metro division" is going to be harmful than it will be helpful. Camden is already in trouble financially, as its budget includes a structural deficit that is covered by Special State Aid. Although this consolidation is viewed as a possible solution to help Camden stay afloat amidst is fiscal woes, it should not be enforced. This will not abolish the structural deficit, which has been affecting Camden's financial well-being for years now. An alternate solution to the fiscal problem is to raise taxes. Even though raising taxes is viewed as being an economic evil to most residents of a particular area, it is sometimes needed to help alleviate certain financial issues. I believe that if Camden were to significantly increase the taxes that homeowners and other residents are already paying, the structural deficit can be lessened or even eradicated. I read in an article that there are some business in Camden that are not paying any type of taxes whatsoever. There should be no reason that this should be allowed considering the dire economic situation that the city is currently in. By making everyone pay taxes, there will be more funds available to pay the police officers and the other expenses that the city cannot afford. In time, Camden will be able to free itself from the structural deficit and stop depending on the state for additional aid. Taxes need to be increased to say Camden's economy. Consolidating the police force is not the answer.

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