Predict the Romney Post-Convention Bounce

The Republican National Convention finally begins tomorrow evening in Tampa, FL, one day late thanks to Tropical Storm (and soon to be Hurricane) Isaac. As the skies clear up tomorrow the GOP and Governor Romney will enjoy more positive media coverage over the next 3 days than they can expect to receive between now and the election. This is because much of the convention, especially on the cable news networks, will essentially be aired live.

The GOP Convention is incredibly important for Mitt Romney as it is his first real opportunity to define himself away from President Obama’s negative campaign of misinformation. Over 15,000 media outlets are on hand at the convention and Romney will be reaching more people than ever before. The RNC this year is going to be the second most covered event in the world, second only to the London Olympics.

As a result of all that positivity and the flood of coverage, Romney, like many before him (pretty much everyone other than John Kerry in 2004) will receive a post-convention bounce in the polls that will likely be short lived, but significant enough to make headlines.

So Save Jerseyans, lets put on our pollster hats and make some predictions based on what we know now. Most of the major polls have President Obama and Mitt Romney within the margin of error. In many of the swing states Obama’s slight leads have been tightening up more and more. It is at the point where any normal-sized poll bounce will likely put Romney temporarily ahead, it is just a matter of how much.

So how big will the bounce be?

What Will Romney’s Post-Convention Bounce Be? free polls 


Brian McGovern
About Brian McGovern 748 Articles
Brian McGovern wears many hats these days including Voorhees Township GOP Municipal Chairman, South Jersey attorney, and co-owner of the Republican campaign consulting firm Exit 3 Strategies, Inc.

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