Just Look Away, Paulbots: New ‘Lincoln’ Movie Trailer Released (VIDEO)

Abraham Lincoln may be the first Republican president, Save Jerseyans, but a true testament to his greatness is how intellectual leaders and grassroots members of both major U.S. political parties attempt to claim Honest Abe as their own.

The Paulbots hate him; but then again, who don’t they hate?

Endearing as Lincoln’s bipartisan popularity may be, Abraham Lincoln was a conservative, or at least certainly by today’s definition. An early American proponent of economic liberty, President Lincoln famously observed that the Declaration of Independence “does not declare that all men are equal in their attainments or social position.” Rather, Lincoln believed the American system was and must be one in which men “look forward and hope to be a hired laborer this year and the next, work for himself afterward, and finally to hire men to work for him! That is the true system.” In other words, Abe thought WE built it!

That’s why I’m stoked for the new ‘Lincoln’ movie (starring Daniel Day-Lewis) due out in November despite the fact that it’s produced by the arch-liberals over at Dreamworks. Granted, Dreamworks’s involvement means that the film is likely to omit Lincoln’s other convictions in favor of a singular focus on his most famous accomplishment: permanent emancipation through Lincoln’s push for a 13th Amendment to our Constitution.  I still think Spielberg will do a great job of adding flesh, blood and bones to this historical figure whom most of us think of in terms of oil paint and Yule marble. It’s our job, as a conservative Republicans, to add in the rest of the backstory for our fellow moviegoers as well as the younger generation.

The new, full trailer hit YouTube last night:



Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is SaveJersey.com's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.