I’d Call for Obama’s Impeachment If Election Day Weren’t 13 Days Out

The already incriminating Benghazi terrorist attack timeline just got MUCH worse for President Obama this morning, Save Jerseyans, following the release of diplomatic emails obtained by major news outlets.

Click here to review a pdf of the State Department’s email alerts (h/t CBS.com). And sure to secure your jaw before it hits the floor…

The relevant takeaway from these emails: the Obama White House definitely knew within — at most — a couple of hours of the September 11, 2012 attack on the United States’s Benghazi, Libya consulate that the attack was organized and launched by Islamic terrorists.

Furthermore, absolutely nothing in these emails suggests that a random, organic “mob” or silly “YouTube video” had anything to do with the assault that resulted in four American deaths.

So that means the President of the United States deliberately lied to the American people in the days and weeks following this attack when they stood in front of reporters and blamed a YouTube video for inciting and engendering the death of a U.S. ambassador. I could forgive some initial hesitation in the hours after the attack to reach summary judgments; he may’ve not been sure immediately afterwards if he was campaigning instead of governing. But when President Obama, for example, went on Univision a full eight days afterwards, he continued to claim “we don’t know yet” whether terrorists were responsible. Clearly he did at that point!

And the only conceivable reason to lie about any of this would be to preserve the political narrative of a president running for reelection solely on the basis of having “killed Osama bin Laden and saved General Motors.”

Frankly, Save Jerseyans, I’d advocate for formal impeachment proceedings if we weren’t under two weeks away from kicking this guy out of office! This is the biggest cover-up since Watergate and the American people deserve answers. Not on November 7th. TODAY… 


Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is SaveJersey.com's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.

1 Comment

  1. On the edge of my seat waiting for Republicans to call Obama in for hearings. No doubt this is the most impeachable offense in our history. If he is reelected Congress will be tied up for another year with the proceedings while the country continues to be put on hold. If he's not reelected he needs to be persecuted in order to send the message that the President can't lie to the American people and get away with it.

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