You probably don’t watch MSNBC like me, Save Jerseyans, so you may’ve missed Chris Matthews say “I’m so glad we had that storm last week because I think the storm was one of those things” during last night’s election coverage.
He’s GLAD for Hurricane Sandy because it purportedly helped the President.
Perhaps recognizing that he had said something crazy, Matthews proceeded to dig the hole deeper by stating “[n]o, politically I should say. Not in terms of hurting people. The storm brought in possibilities for good politics.”
Later on Matthews tweeted that he wasn’t referring to the “horror” of the storm.
Which part of it wasn’t horrible???
Matthews owes all of Hurricane Sandy’s victims a huge apology…
That wasn't a good thing for Chris Matthews to say. Not only is that offensive to all New Jerseyans and people of other states who had to go through that, but it's also kind of offensive to consider politics instead of helping people, in regards to that disaster.
Granted, that would at first sound hypocritical coming from me, a Christie Supporter who praises his Leadership during that time of crisis, but it was bipartisanship from both sides, that we got to see. Not Republicans or Democrats, but Americans coming together.
America's Governor Chris Christie is the Greatest Governor in U.S. History.
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