Kean: Christie’s New Nominees “Received Extensive Praise in the Past” from Democrat Legislators

LEFT TO RIGHT: Kim Guadagno, Tom Kean, Jr. and Chris Christie at a much happier time for the NJGOP.

Senator Tom Kean, Jr. (R-Union) is hoping Democrats grow up and give Governor Chris Christie’s new state Supreme Court nominees a fair shake:

Governor Christie has once again put forward a pair of thoughtful nominations to the New Jersey Supreme Court. Both Judge Bauman and President Hanna have extremely impressive professional and legal backgrounds, and both received unanimous approval by the Senate to their current positions, a testament to the impressive nature of their qualifications.

David and Bob have received extensive praise in the past by the same Democrats who will soon consider their nominations to the Supreme Court. I sincerely hope that past praise is a sign that Democrats are ready to give these qualified individuals a fair hearing, something that that previous nominees were unfortunately denied for purely partisan purposes.”

Sound bytes/transcript excerpts to follow?

Just keep your expectations in check, Save Jerseyans. Kean is the consummate gentlemen, folks, but the Republican Senator’s Democrat colleagues ignored his calls for civility in advance of Bruce Harris’s farcical confirmation hearing back in May.

This is Jersey politics, and we’re headed into a gubernatorial cycle (just days or weeks away from a Democrat candidate’s announcement?). Democrats don’t want to hand out easy wins/victories to the state’s leading Republican… assuming they nominate a candidate with a serious shot at the throne.


Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.