Christie Slams Obama Inaugural Remarks

New Jersey Governor Calls Obama’s Second Inaugural Address “Manifesto for… My Way or the Highway”

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog

Chris Christie rocking sunglasses on NJ 101.5's 'Ask the Governor'For those of you who’ve worried out loud over whether Governor Chris Christie is, in fact, planning to remain a registered Republican…

The Big Guy made his monthly appearance on NJ 101.5’s ‘Ask the Governor’ program last night and offered a harsh critique of President Obama’s Tuesday inaugural address. “Instead of trying to bring people together it was a manifesto for, ‘hey, it’s my way or the highway,’” observed the New Jersey Governor. “We’re going to see how he acts moving forward.”

Christie had criticized President Obama’s weak leadership for most of Election 2012 until an otherwise routine  storm damage tour on election eve transformed presidential race coverage and, depending upon who you believe, may’ve changed the dynamic in the incumbent’s favor. 

So is this vintage Christie candor? Or the beginning of a conciliation process? His remarks come after the events immediately following Hurricane Sandy and the post-Newtown NRA flap created some degree of separation over the last few months between the notoriously independent-minded Governor and an increasingly skeptical national Republican base. The most recent polling continues to show Christie performing powerfully among Democrats and Independents but trailing certain potential 2016 opponents — notably Marco Rubio — among Republican voters.

Watch the 1/22/13 ‘Ask the Governor’ below the fold if you missed it…

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Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.


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