By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog
I’m going to say something with ABSOLUTE certainty, Save Jerseyans, at least as close as a human being can get to certainty: the 2016 GOP Primary may be the most interesting of our lifetime.
It’s far too early to know what will transpire, or even the full composition of the field itself. We can make assumptions, and some sort of Christie vs. Rubio vs. Paul vs. Santorum battle royale has the potential to unite the party’s ideological factions and rejuvenate the beleagured Reagan coalition. Or destroy it once and for all.
Am I the only one who just got a chill?
U.S. Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) (who it’s worth noting was a relatively close ally of Mitt Romney) is the latest potential nominee to stir the pot, criticizing Governor Chris Christie for his characteristically-harsh put down of the NRA for its most recent anti-Obama video. On Friday morning, Paul told radio host Laura Ingraham that “[y]ou have some Republicans backing down like Christie backing down and criticizing the NRA, and I think that doesn’t do us any good… so I think Republicans do need to stand more firmly on this issue.”
Paul also accused Christie of having less-than-genuine motivations:
I think he may be solidifying his support with Democrats in New Jersey and maybe liberal Republicans. If he wishes to do something nationally, I think criticizing the Second Amendment movement and the over-the-top, ‘give me my money’ stuff, ‘I want all sixty billion now or I’ll throw a tantrum’–I don’t think that’s going to play well in the Republican primary.”
To be continued…
Here’s the audio of Rand Paul’s comments: