U.S. Economy Shrinks in 4Q; Obama Media Complex is Stunned. We’re Not!
By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog
CNBC is saying “GDP Shows Surprise Drop for US in Fourth Quarter.”
The NYT? “U.S. Economy Unexpectedly Contracted in Fourth Quarter.”
Surprise? Unexpected? The fact that the U.S. economy actually SHRUNK in the fourth quarter is only shocking to those who foolishly believed President Obama’s talking points during the 2012 Election. You know what Paul Krugman refuses to admit: the United States of 2013 is overtaxed, over-borrowed and hopelessly saddled with too many expensive entitlements to allow for the robust growth of the 1980s and 1990s.
This is the “new normal,” Save Jerseyans. President Obama is redistributing wealth, pick winners (and losers) to even the playing field for everyone except the chosen ruling class. The result? No growth, smaller paychecks for those of us lucky enough to have jobs and an unemployment picture that’s just as bad as when he took his first oath of office in 2009.
This is also EXACTLY what conservatives mean when we warn against America “turning into Europe.” That continent’s regional economies are largely governed by social democracies; graying societies with too few children and too many overhead costs inevitably produce stagnant economies with greater short-term stability but virtually no economic development/innovation to keep up with immigration and, consequently, persistent high unemployment like what we’re experiencing now in the U.S. but much more pronounced. The only reason our country isn’t doing worse? Continued foreign backing of the dollar simply because Europe’s backasswards statist practices are still worse than ours, meaning less conducive to economic growth. See the stock market surge. For now. It won’t last.
The only true “surprise” coming out of this mess for some of us who actually pay attention? That 50%+ of Americans still don’t recognize the problem: the policies of this President and his party.