Geraldo Rivera Explains U.S. Senate Interest, GOP Messaging Perspective in New Jersey On ‘Fox & Friends’
By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog
God only knows if he’s serious, Save Jerseyans, but Geraldo Rivera elaborated on his reported interest in challenging Frank Lautenberg/Cory Booker in 2014 earlier this morning on Fox News’s morning show:
What does “modern Republican” mean?
Again, who the hell knows. Clearly “social liberalism” is a big part of his new definition. We’ll wait and see. Might we expect a Geraldo Rivera vs. Woody Johnson Primary this time next year? Wouldn’t that be something.
Click here to see yesterday’s Save Jersey discussion of more likely NJGOP challengers. But you never know! This is New Jersey. Stranger things have happened than Geraldo campaigning door-to-door on his motorcycle…
This "man" is a lying turd.