Senate President Promises to Act on Assembly Legislation — One Way or the Other — This Spring
By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog
The legislative life cycle of twenty-two gun measures emerging from New Jersey’s General Assembly on Thursday afternoon presently runs through the Democrat State Senate, Save Jerseyans.
The forecast? Uncertain for the reasons discussed yesterday here at Save Jersey.
You can now add this to the mix: Senate President answered questions about yesterday’s Assembly votes Friday morning on 106.9 FM, one of two conservative-leaning Philadelphia radio stations. “We’re going to take a hard look at the bills the Assembly did; some might be changed, some might not go through at all.”
Sweeney did refuse to identify which bills his chamber would ultimately take up but a few earned a “common sense” rating from the Senate’s top Democrat.
“Look: I’ve always supported the Second Amendment. I’m not some crazy gun guy,” Sweeney added. “And people who support guns aren’t crazy either.”
We shall see…
If you’d like to get started defeating these bills, Save Jerseyans, find your State Senator’s office contact info by clicking here. Be respectful but firm!