Christie Nears Hilldawg, Ties Bush

Hilldawg hugging Jon Corzine

New Poll Predicts Potentially Tight 4-Way Race for GOP Nomination

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog

Clinton and CorzinePublic Policy Polling (PPP), a respected national Democrat-affiliated organization (not always an oxymoronic designation, btw), has released the results of its latest 2016 presidential survey. No surprises.

The prospective GOP Primary pack remains tight; Marco Rubio (16%), Jeb Bush (15%), Chris Christie (15%) and Rand Paul (14%) occupy a field of support with only a 2-point distribution. Oof! It’s anyone’s game as of today, Save Jerseyans, assuming you accept PPP’s data/methodology. I have no reason not to accept it.

And according to PPP, despite potential primary problems looming, the Governor of New Jersey continues to poll the strongest against a Benghazi-embattled Hilldawg of any named GOP’er:

Chris Christie continues to be the only potential Republican candidate who polls competitively with Clinton, trailing her just 47/44. Christie has a 40/32 favorability with Democrats, making him the only potential 2016 contender with any crossover appeal. Clinton holds identical 10 point leads at 51/41 over Paul and Rubio.”

Click here to read PPP’s full analysis and data tables.

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8538 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.


  1. Nope. Christie plays small-ball and thinks he's got long-ball, power game. Our unemployment is over 9%. Meanwhile, Texas' is nearly half that.

  2. ^that doesnt mean the texas governor should be potus. texas is a very limited government by design. the other 49 have full time legislators, texas' work a month out of the year if i remember correctly

  3. if the GOP goes with anyone but rand paul they will lose again and lose badly to hillary of all people…so stupid. conservative voters want a conservative candidate, not a less progressive one, nor do they want a neo con war hawk

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