Christie Uses Pen; Landfill Bill Advances

N.J. Governor Signs 7 Bills, Vetoes Marriage License Bill; Fenimore Landfill Legislation Emerges from Key Senate Committee

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog

Christie at desk signing budgetIt was a busy day under the dome, Save Jerseyans. Here’s a rundown:


S-1469/A-2756 (Madden, Sweeney/Quijano, Vainieri Huttle, O’Donnell, Ramos, Albano) – Provides surviving spouses of certain fire and police personnel who die in line of duty with workers’ compensation for entire period of survivorship

S-1904/A3131 (Sarlo/Prieto, Wagner) – Allows for the issuance of special licenses to sell alcoholic beverages in qualifying development projects

S-1961/A-3011 (Whelan, Allen/DeAngelo, Coughlin, Riley, Wagner) – Establishes “Veterans Higher Education Commission”

S-2144/A-3613 (Gill/Schaer) – Repeals and replaces Chapters 1 and 7 of the Uniform Commercial Code and revises various additional provisions of the code

S-2353/A-3628 (Madden, Allen/Conaway) – Adds one member to New Jersey Epilepsy Task Force and extends for one year

SJR-38/AJR-91 (Beck/Cryan, O’Donnell, Stender) – Designates January 11 of each year as “Clarence Clemons Day”

A-792/S-1973 (Munoz, Green/O’Toole) – Directs hospitals to establish protocols for dispatch and patient transport by specialty care transportation units used for inter-facility transfers


S-2399/A-3845 (Scutari, Whelan/Greenwald) – ABSOLUTE – Provides, under certain circumstances, for immediate issuance of marriage and civil union licenses at the time license application is made

Click here to read the S-2399 veto statement.

Meanwhile, S-2861 cleared the State Senate Environment and Energy committee today, legislation which is designed to shut down the controversial Fenimore Landfill in Roxbury; Senate President Sweeney reportedly pledged to hold a floor vote by next Thursday, but Republicans are concerned action might be delayed until the summer recess. A companion measure, A-4238, is still working its way through the General Assembly. The issue has already emerged as preseason political football in legislative races.

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.

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