Abogado del Diablo

June 30, 2013 Matt Rooney 10

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog I don’t think it was his finest moment, Save Jerseyans, but if you want to hear an argument in favor […]

LD1 GOP Alleges Push Poll

June 28, 2013 Matt Rooney 7

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog Residents in New Jersey’s 1st Legislative District are in an uproar today, Save Jerseyans, after a particularly aggressive “push poll” […]

Imagining America

June 28, 2013 admin 5

By Ernesto Cullari | The Save Jersey Blog The founders of this nation did not know real freedom until they came to the land that […]

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Save Jersey on the Radio

June 28, 2013 Matt Rooney 2

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog Happy Saturday morning, Save Jerseyans. If you’re enjoying brunch and looking for something to listen to while the eggs fry, […]

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Frelinghuysen Endorses Lonegan

June 27, 2013 Matt Rooney 28

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog It doesn’t get much more “establishment” than Frelinghuysen, Save Jerseyans. Rep. Rodney Frelinghuysen (R-11) claims a family name as ancient […]

Money Can’t Buy Love for Pallone

June 27, 2013 Art Gallagher 5

By Art Gallagher | Congressman Frank Pallone has the weakest support of the four candidates vying the Democratic nomination for U.S. Senate, according to a Kean University poll released yesterday, three […]