By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog
Chris Christie signed five bills and vetoed two others on Thursday, Save Jerseyans. Here’s the list for your reading pleasure:
S-69/A-1080 (Codey, Madden/Quijano, Spencer Munoz, DeAngelo, Fuentes, Moriarty) – Increases fine and imposes license suspension for talking or texting on hand-held device while driving
S-1912/A-3048 (Madden, Oroho/Diegnan, Giblin) – ‟Scholastic Student-Athlete Safety Act;” establishes measures to ensure health of student-athletes
S-2151/A-3315 (Scutari, Pou/Green, Caride, Stender) – Strengthens enforceability of premarital and pre-civil union agreements
S-2532/A-3860 (Sarlo, Oroho/Vainieri Huttle, Spencer, Giblin, Webber, Sumter) – Clarifies charitable contributions are not a factor in determining where person is domiciled under New Jersey gross income tax
A-4036/S-2726 (Albano, Andrzejczak, Riley/Van Drew, Kyrillos) – Establishes directed bait and human food fishery for menhaden, and clarifies existing law regarding taking of menhaden
S-1921/A-3250 (Lesniak/Wilson, Caride, Giblin) – ABSOLUTE – Establishes animal cruelty offense of cruel confinement of a gestating pig (click here to read veto message)
S-2291/A-3546 (Rice, Singer/Riley, Burzichelli, Lampitt, DiMaio) – CONDITIONAL – Eliminates requirement that full-time students at a county college in New Jersey maintain health insurance coverage (click here to read veto message)
Ill put my phone away when driving.
Why must students have health insurance? I didn't in college. I turned down COBRA because it was too expensive and that was my right to do so.
Not anymore. Isn't it fun being forced to buy something?? Cause they know what's best for you
AFP Americans for Prosperity , is in Trenton keeping tabs on Legislature today. Bunch of bad bills on tap, including ObamaCare awareness (A3878), corporate welfare/prevailing wage (A3680), municipal property tax bailout (S2595). Follow s n Twitter for updates! @AFP_NewJersey
So has Christie gone from RINO to full fledged Lib now?