CJC Signs Budget, Vetoes 8 Bills

By Matt Rooney The Save Jersey Blog

Christie at desk signing budgetGovernor Chris Christie signed the FY 2014 budget into law today, Save Jerseyans, along with two accompanying appropriation measures; he also issued absolute vetoes for eight (8) separate bills (click here to read his veto messages).

I am happy that he vetoed a particularly insidious bill that would’ve penalized gun manufacturers.

Here are the broad strokes…


S-2404/ACS for A-4112, 3675 (Madden, Oroho/Eustace, Singleton, Wagner, McHose, Egan, Coughlin) – Eliminates 10% surcharge on employee UI taxes during fiscal year 2014

S-3000/A-4200 (Sarlo,A.R. Bucco, Van Drew, O’Toole/Prieto, O’Scanlon) – Appropriates $32,976,962,000 in State funds and $13,427,159,762 in federal funds for the State budget for fiscal year 2013-2014.

S-3001/A-4201 (Sarlo/O’Scanlon, Prieto) – Makes FY 2013 State supplemental appropriations totaling $224,837,000, reduces FY 2013 appropriations by $398,006,000, and supplements various language provisions affecting appropriations in FY 2013


SCS for S-968, 1494/A-998 (Weinberg, Turner/Vainieri Huttle, Watson Coleman) – ABSOLUTE – Establishes procedures and standards regarding public service privatization contracts

S-2188/A3775 (Gordon,Weinberg/Wagner,Eustace,DeAngelo,Benson) – ABSOLUTE – Requires employer notification when relocating call center services outside the United States

S-2644/A-4233 (Vitale, Gill, Weinberg/Oliver, Prieto, Quijano) – ABSOLUTE – Expands Medicaid eligibility pursuant to federal “Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act”

S-2825/A-4172 (Weinberg, Greenstein, Sarlo/Mosquera, Lampitt, Stender, Jasey, Watson Colman, Wisniewski, Caride) – ABSOLUTE – Makes FY 2013 supplemental appropriation to DOH for $7,453,000 for family planning services

A-3668/SCS for S-2467, 2471 (Jasey, McKeon, Cryan, Johnson, Quijano/Gill, Weinberg, Codey) -ABSOLUTE – Prohibits investment by State of pension and annuity funds in companies manufacturing, importing, and selling assault firearms for civilians use

A-3807/S-2595 (Caputo, Tucker, Wagner, Eustace/Rice, Gill) – ABSOLUTE – ‟Corporate Disinvestment Property Tax Relief Act”; appropriates $13.5 million

A-3878/S-2673 (Conaway, Riley, Lampitt, Eustace/Gill) – ABSOLUTE- Requires Commissioner of Banking and Insurance to establish public awareness campaign about new federally required health insurance exchange

A-4171/S-2824 (Wagner, Vainieri Huttle, Stender, Quijano, Eustace/Weinberg, Gill) – ABSOLUTE – Provides Medicaid coverage for family planning services to individuals with incomes up to 200 percent of the federal poverty level

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8758 Articles
MATT ROONEY is SaveJersey.com's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.


  1. Yes, yes, Kimmie…he wiill sign a couple I think, as they further law enforcement goals, but the rest are down the drain I think. This was my litmus test for him. So far he is passing.

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  1. Chris Christie’s Strange Justice | AGReGate.info
  2. Chris Christie’s Strange Justice | Omaha Sun Times
  3. Chris Christie’s Strange Justice | Political Ration

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