Booker’s Missing Jobs

A Cory Booker "jobs" ad from his 2013 U.S. Senate campaign.

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog

We had a little fun on Tuesday at the expense of Barbara Buono, the New Jersey Democrat candidate for governor, for running a TV ad inadvertently trashing the employment record of her party’s U.S. Senate frontrunner, Cory Booker.

Now Booker is out today with a fresh ad of his own; it’s as devoid of substance/fact/reality as his first TV spot, Save Jerseyans, but it also contains one particularly interesting claim concerning job creation during his tenure as Mayor of Newark:


Thousands of jobs? Where? In Twitterland?

The Buono ad cited Newark’s current unemployment rate as 13%; it’s actually slightly higher, 13.1%.

What was Newark’s unemployment rate in July 2006? When Cory Booker wrestled control of city hall away from Sharpe James? 9.5%. So unemployment in Newark is 3.6-points higher under Cory Booker’s leadership. If you can call it that.

Here’s hoping either Dr. Eck or Mayor Lonegan calls him out on it. This is more of the same Obama “create or save” jobs silliness which we’ve heard before. “Creating” jobs is meaningless if you’ve net lost’em. Tiresome…

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8686 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.


  1. @Anthony: Remember when President Obama talked about "creating and/or saving" jobs? This is the same ridiculousness. Newark has had a net loss of jobs under his tenure relative to population changes. His claims of thousands of created jobs is very misleading.

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