Dems Prize Style Over Substance

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog

Booker and Obama

A new poll from Patrick Murrary’s Monmouth Polling Institute suggests that the Democrat U.S. Senate primary may be all-but over with just under one month to go before the special election primary.

According to Murray, “Booker currently claims support of nearly half (49%) of likely voters in the Democratic primary
to be held four weeks from today. Significantly fewer say they intend to vote for Congressman Frank Pallone (12%), Congressman Rush Holt (8%), or General Assembly Speaker Sheila Oliver (3%). Another 28% are undecided.”

That’s an absolute rout, Save Jerseyans. And the amazing part of it? At least up until this instant primary, Cory Booker’s rhetoric has been relatively tame for a New Jersey Democrat.

If you’re a Democrat looking for a committed liberal to serve as Frank Lautenberg’s replacement, then you’ve got two clearly superior alternatives to the Newark mayor in Frank “Big Labor” Pallone and Rush “High Priest of Gaia” Holt. Booker is a Christiecrat, right? A moderate on the education issue and a supporter of Republican initiatives to cap property taxes and reform the state pension system.

Well, at least half of the Democrat Party’s base doesn’t seem to care. How do we read that? Are New Jersey Democrats really closet moderates? Or is the state party simply a reflection of the national party, preferring style/form (Obama, Booker) over substance (Pallone, Holt)? The title of this post betrays my opinion on the subject. The Democrat Party hasn’t been a thinking man’s party for 70 years. It’s a cult of personality, a tyranny of cynicism and a dictatorship of base emotions led by narcissists.

Meanwhile, across the aisle, he Republican Party of 2013 is lurching to the other extreme; our voters prize ideological purity to the point where our primaries are no longer useful auditions for who might actually mount a viable campaign in the general election. The 2012 cycle afforded plenty of examples of this self-defeating attitude.

The end result: American voters are electing well-spoken empty suits over the unlikable/unrelatable conservative alternatives. Don’t expect the GOP to buck this losing trend either until it comes to grip with the supreme importance of nominating candidates who’ve mastered both style and substance. One without the other is like pizza without cheese, Save Jerseyans… what’s the point?

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8538 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.

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