By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog
Fmr. Gov. Tom Kean told the Star Ledger last week that it’s only a matter of time before gay marriage is the law of the land in New Jersey:
It doesn’t affect us right now because of a ridiculous argument between the governor, who wants to put marriage equality on a ballot, and the Legislature, which wants to address it as a bill, which the governor has said he’d veto. It’ll happen in New Jersey; the majority of people support it. But this nonsense between the governor and Legislature is why we don’t have it today. If it were on the ballot this fall, it would pass.”
The former Governor’s son voted against gay marriage last year. That doesn’t mean Governor Kean is wrong about the trendline. Even both of New Jersey’s hard-right GOP candidates for U.S. Senate have adopted an accepting posture (even if they don’t particularly agree with how the SCOTUS got there). And you know where I stand, Save Jerseyans…
I agree 100%. New Jersey is far too socially progressive to remain in the Bronze Age on this issue. One way or another, it will happen.
Then After this, inter-species marriage is on the horizon. "I now pronounce you man and horse".