Holt Quits Congress

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog

Rush HoltRush Holt (D-NJ12) stunned the New Jersey political world on Tuesday afternoon by announcing that he would NOT seek reelection in November, Save Jerseyans.

An excerpt from his letter to supporters:

“There is no hidden motive for my decision.  As friends who have worked with me know, I have never thought that the primary purpose of my work was re-election and I have never intended to make service in the House my entire career.  For a variety of reasons, personal and professional, all of them positive and optimistic, the end of this year seems to me to be the right time to step aside and ask the voters to select the next representative.”

One possible “hidden” motive: like the also soon-to-be-retired Rob Andrews (D-NJ01), who ran unsuccessfully in a Democrat Senate primary in 2008, several years before Holt’s own quixotic attempt, Holt’s peaked in his political career.

He’s not a leader in the House which Republicans are expected to hold for awhile thanks to demographic shifts and gerrymandering, the Democrat gubernatorial field is crowded with candidates boasting more juice than Holt, and both Democrat U.S. Senators from the Garden State are relatively young men.

My bet? He’s bored after 8 terms.

Central Jersey Republicans plan to contest whomever the Democrats plug in to replace the retired liberal rocket scientist (yeah, I know, it’s oxymoronic). 

The federal electoral environment is volatile. Holt is the 13th Democrat to retire this term; 21 Republicans have made the same decision. He’s also the third New Jersey representative to quit, joining Andrews and Jon Runyan (R-NJ03).

Dr. Aleita Eck, who unsuccessfully challenged Steven Lonegan for the U.S. Senate nomination last year, is the presumptive GOP candidate this time around. Holt’s district is deep blue (D+14 according to Charlie Cook), but open seats in what could develop into an Obamacare backlash year are always worth attention…


Rep. Holt’s full farewell:

Dear Friend,

Today I am announcing that I will not seek re-election to the U.S. House of Representatives.

It has been and remains an immense honor for me to represent the people of New Jersey’s 12th District.  I first ran for office because I believed that government can be a positive force in our lives to build community and to increase individual opportunity.  I ran for office because I believed that a representative can build confidence in our self-government by providing conscientious service so that every person knows that he or she has a voice and a stake in our country.  After nearly two decades in public life, I believe these things even more strongly.  I have been taught by the wisdom of my constituents and am as hopeful as ever about the strength of our community, constitution, and country.

I started my career as a scientist and teacher.  I have in my life sought many ways to serve, and I will remain involved and will contribute to our community to whom I owe so much.  I am proud of my service in the House and am pleased to point to accomplishments in policy areas and in service to individuals in central New Jersey.

There is no hidden motive for my decision.  As friends who have worked with me know, I have never thought that the primary purpose of my work was re-election and I have never intended to make service in the House my entire career.  For a variety of reasons, personal and professional, all of them positive and optimistic, the end of this year seems to me to be the right time to step aside and ask the voters to select the next representative.

This is not the time to discuss next steps in my career; that can come later.  This is not a farewell.  My dedicated staff and I remain on the job this year and will work hard with the President and New Jersey’s fine other members of the House and the Senate to continue to advance the public’s interests.  The people I am so fortunate to represent should have no doubts that I will maintain the high standards I have set and they deserve and I am confident my successors will do the same.

I thank you for all your help.


Rush Holt

P.O. Box 782
Pennington, NJ 08534
(609) 799-0800
Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is SaveJersey.com's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.


  1. Good Riddance! Now we may be able to elect someone who respects our Constitution and the Rule of Law. Go Dr. Alieta Malwitz Eck!

  2. BTW Rush Holt, don’t take the mic with you. Make sure you leave it for the people. It’s the people’s mic. RebelRho

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