MSM Mulls Public Christie Break-Up

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog

broken-heart-wallpaperHere’s a brief, candid history of Chris Christie’s relationship with the Mainstream Media establishment, Save Jerseyans, one that’s very appropriate for Valentine’s Day weekend:

(1) 2009-2013: Mainstream Media builds up Chris Christie since he helps sell papers/generate traffic/catalyze advertising by dropping YouTube viral truth bombs and occasionally dumping on fellow Republicans; media willfully engages in torrid love affair with the image of this GOP Governor which they manufactured despite the fact that is makes some feel dirty because, after all, he’s still a Republican and they’re almost universally Democrats.

(2) November 2013: Christie’s reelection is secure; media celebrates how he won reelection, in their view, by not behaving like a stereotypical Republican.

(3) January 2014: Clinton 2016 kicks into high gear and Bridgegate scandal breaks nationally. “It’s not you, Christie, it’s us.” In a moment of feigned (or delusional?) introspection, certain media members question how they were fooled by narrative which, in case you’ve forgotten from a few sentences ago, THEY CREATED.

Yup, breaking up is hard to do… unless the dumper is the media, and the dumpee is a formerly-useful Republican…

Exhibit A of Stage 3: Bob Garfield of On the Media interviewing Matt Katz of WNYC. I very much admire Matt’s work, Save Jerseyans, but some of the questions tossed his way in this interview are more than a little strange given the relationship history to which you’re now privy (if you weren’t before)…

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.

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  1. Does Christie Christie deserve an apology from the media? Maybe. But we definitely do. | The Save Jersey Blog

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