Sweeney Shifts to Jerry Brown’s Left

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog

Sweeney TV AdWe know that the New Jersey Democrat Party isn’t a fond of constitutional rights because they’re hard to amend/curtail/squash when political expediency dictates, Save Jerseyans.

What we didn’t realize until fairly recently is that they’re quickly moving to the Left of the nation’s most ardent liberals… including California’s Jerry Brown?

Last week, the two-time Democrat Governor slammed attempts by the town of Oakland’s government to pass additional gun control measures, reminding reporters that
“in terms of crime and guns and violence, we’ve been at this thing for more than 50 years on this very topic, and we’ve passed a tremendous number of laws. There is something else, it’s called administering the laws we have and working together in a community. That is where the greatest yield can be found in terms of making Oakland a safer place.”

Never thought I’d say this in a million years but RIGHT ON, Jerry Brown! I love it. As our contributor Synnove Bakke eloquently explained on Friday, there’s a bevy of facts and studies supporting your conclusion.

Senate President Steve Sweeney and his caucus have chartered a different course: manipulating emotions as a weapon to sow fear when facts don’t fit their narrative. They took this despicable tactic to an exceptionally unhealthy extreme on Monday by using two Sandy Hook parents to push their agenda.

We know why he’s doing it: to get to the Left of Steve Fulop, John Wisniewski and any other potential Democrat primary gubernatorial primary opponents from North Jersey. Sweeney knows the media and his party colleagues will come at him for getting a little too close to Chris Christie on a few occasions too many. We’re seeing this liberal vs. Christiecrat drama play out in the ongoing Newark mayoral race. The Gloucester Democrat needs street cred NOW, even if it means betraying his LD3 constituents who definitely don’t share his views on ammo magazine restrictions.

Why else would he suddenly care about pension payments after actively helping bust the system for many, many years before Chris Christie arrived in Trenton? It’s all an elaborate act. Plain and simple but no less gross for it.

I was going to pen my own response to the Dems’ shameful Sandy Hook theatrics, Save Jerseyans, but then I came across this FANTASTIC video reply from our friend Jack Fiamingo of the New Jersey Second Amendment Society; we’d make a lot more progress towards shoring-up Second Amendment rights in this state if every right-minded politician articulated their position half as well as Frank did in this web short…

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is SaveJersey.com's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.


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  1. UPDATE: #2A activists move forward with attempt to recall Sweeney | The Save Jersey Blog

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