By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog
Each New Jersey household is already paying roughly $800 extra per year for illegal immigration, and that estimate preceded the N.J. DREAM Act.
Now Trenton Democrats want to pad the bill a little more (and swell their base’s ranks) by handing out driver’s licenses to illegal immigrants. They’ve introduced A2135 to do just that.
Here’s the killer language: “A driving privilege card issued pursuant to this act shall not be used to consider an individual’s citizenship or immigration status 11 as a basis for a criminal investigation, arrest, or detention.”
Well there you go. In case you’d forgotten, Trenton doesn’t give a damn about you and me and all of our friends who’ve been priced out of their home state, but they’re gladly bending over backwards to assuage the fears of the folks whose votes they’re buying. California’s program cost nearly $65 million (and counting) just to get started.
Because this is what it’s all about. Money and power.
If they truly cared about our safety, which is what the sponsor told, then they would recognize that illegal immigration isn’t just illegal in-of-itself (sorry, Mr. Governor) but it’s also a major driver of violent crime and gang activity, the latter of which is a major and growing problem in New Jersey.
A genuinely concerned caucus might’ve also acted on Real ID by now. New Jersey is one of the last states to delay implementation of the nearly decades-old federal anti-terrorism regulations, regulations which would require licensees to be legally present in the U.S.
Democrats are preoccupied with other concerns. Their concerns. They want to incentivize more illegal immigration notwithstanding the costs, ricks, and ethics of doing so, not merely to help build a ladder for those who are already here as they’d like you to believe. They’re majority building.
You and your family? What about you?! Good luck defending yourself from the coming crime wave with only 10 rounds and no health insurance, Save Jerseyans!
Oh and by the way, our illegal new friends may be able to drive legally, but your local board of elections workers could be accused of interfering with the democratic process if they asked someone to display a driver’s new license to confirm identity.
A license to drive for illegals? Or a license to steal for Democrats?
I drew the dots on the paper. Connect them yourselves.
I work in New York. Cuomo comes up with dumber stuff before breakfast. (Which I hear is very good at his house since he dates Sandra Lee.)
So why do I have to provide so many forms of ID to renew my DL? & now we are going to give them to illegal’s?
Are you F kidding me!
Well why wouldn’t someone legal apply as an illegal and use that license for tickets?
That would be a perfect opportunity for Gov. Christie to show that he also has a pen and a phone and knows how to use them. If he doesn’t veto this crap he’ll be only able to run for any office as a Democrat – which is what he likely plans to anyway.
It sure is stupid. I mean why bother suspending DL’s of those with DWI’s? After all they are going to drive anyway, why not let them have insurance. Said no politician ever… But it’s the exact same thing.