Goldberg Wins Mercer

Brian Goldberg in Ocean County on 3/19

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog

Brian Goldberg in Ocean County on 3/19
Brian Goldberg in Ocean County on 3/19

Brian Goldberg is the big winner in Mercer County tonight, Save Jerseyans, winning 63% of the committee vote and improving his statewide county line total to 5, which is 4 better than anyone else at the moment.

It’s a big step forward for his bid to be the NJ GOP’s U.S. Senate nominee.

I’m told Goldberg, an decorative concrete business owner, earned 50 votes from the participants, followed by 20 for Rich Pezzullo and 9 for Murray Sabrin. Sabrin was reportedly not in attendance but sent a surrogate in his stead.

Candidate Goldberg’s toughest challenges may come tomorrow (Saturday 3/22) with Monmouth County’s convention, for which the Monmouth resident Pezzullo has racked up two big legislative endorsements, and then Middlesex County where he was further back in the screening committee pile and, due to the interesting format (any registered Middlesex GOP’er can sign up, pay and vote), predictability is challenging.

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.


  1. I commented this on another article but I’ll leave it here too.
    Leave it to the New Jersey Republican party to get the best-respected Libertarian in New Jersey and two well-respected NJ Conservatives in Rich Pezzullo and Jeff Bell and end up going with a no-name moderate. If this is our answer to the awesome power of Cory Booker, we deserve to lose – and the Democrats get a moral victory in that we abandoned our platform to try and beat them, and still lost. Even if one of the other guys got nominated and lost, at least they would’ve been doing what was right. I refuse to vote RINO, and if Goldberg is my nominee, I will be voting third-party. It’ll be a much better use of my vote than this clown.

  2. Even if Goldberg can’t beat Booker at least he won’t be an embarassment to the rest of the GOP ticket. The last thing GOP candidates need is a Tea Party loser like Murray Sabrin at the top of the GOP ticket.

  3. Greg: he is THE WORST CANDIDATE. We can’t expect a guy with precisely 0 statewide experience to stand a chance against Booker.

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