Save Jersey Turns Six!

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog

Birthday CakeSave Jersey is growing up! The first post on Save Jersey went live on May 21, 2008. That means today marks our 6th Anniversary, Save Jerseyans. Where did the time go…?

We have much for which to be thankful despite the ongoing trial and tribulations associated with trying to save this state from itself. I know, the news can be deflating, so I like to commemorate this date every year in order to remind you (and myself) that we’re making substantive progress.

For starters, Save Jersey web traffic is up approximately 100% so far for 2014 relative to this point in time last year. The amazing part? At least to me? It’s not accomplished through paid advertising or high-level patronage; we’re still the same low-budget, high-energy experiment that you first stumbled across back in the dark days of 2008 when New Jersey conservatives didn’t have a single stable place to hang their hats on-line. The powers-that-be are tuning in and taking notice in greater numbers every year

But we don’t measure success solely in terms of traffic.

The part which I most enjoy?

When a regular, hard-working, God-fearing Garden State resident approaches me at a grassroots event, pleasantly introduces himself or herself, and then proceeds to explain how he or she decided to run for school board/get active with the local GOP club/start a own blog/challenge a local liberal politician on an important issue, etc. and so on, after he or she started reading Save Jersey back in [insert year here].

michelle obama save jerseyI can’t express in words how gratifying those experiences are for me. It’s like meeting an old, dear, treasured friend for the first time (if that makes any sense), and of course, it’s validation of what our team aims to accomplish on a daily basis.

We’re not trying to talk AT YOU like so many conservative media-types out there in the new media. Our goal? Initiate a conversation and get ordinary people engaged, in their local New Jersey communities, fighting for conservative reform at all levels of civil society.

THAT is why I do this, Save Jerseyans. It’s that simple. In return for the countless hours we put into making this site work, I only ask that you keep reading, keep fighting, and always keep your Blogger-in-Chief and the rest of the wonderful folks who make this social media experiment possible in your daily prayers (there are simply too many parties to list, and I don’t want to exclude anyone).

My continuing pledge to you: I’ll reciprocate with my own effort, fidelity and prayers, and I guarantee that eventually, in our lifetimes, we’ll get to where we’re trying to go together. No one said it’d be easy or quick. The only thing that’s certain is our ultimate victory!


Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.

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