By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog
Governor Chris Christie’s veto of the A-961 affordability analysis will stand, Save Jerseyans.
The final vote: 45 in favor of an override, 23 against and 5 in the meh, blech, or whatever camps, several votes short of the super-majority required for reversal.
I confirmed last week with Save Jersey sources that GOP leadership actively (and aggressively) whipped votes to avoid what was viewed as a potential embarrassment for the Administration.
What Monday’s result tells me? Among other things? While last fall’s Kean vs. Christie dust-up revealed the extent to which the Governor’s coattail-less reelection had damaged his political clout under the dome (e.g. don’t expect another breakthrough Cap 2.0 or pension reform in the near future), a majority of Assembly Republicans are still hesitant to cross the Christie front office… even if it’s to support a measure that they previously unanimously supported…