By Staff | The Save Jersey Blog
UPDATE: Republican congressional candidate Tom MacArthur may feel a little vindicated this evening after attorneys for Comcast attorneys informed his campaign that the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) is pulling its wildly-slanderous “Fire” commercial from South Jersey TV.
Click here to read the correspondence.
“Today is a victory for the truth, and a devastating blow to the empty, dishonest campaign of my opponent, politician Aimee Belgard, and the party bosses and special interests bankrolling her campaign from Washington, DC,” MacArthur said in a statement released shortly after learning of the decision. “Our attorney was literally on the steps of the Ocean County Courthouse to file our defamation lawsuit against the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC), former Speaker Nancy Pelosi and DCCC Chairman Steve Israel, for their malicious and false attack against me, when he was notified via telephone by Comcast legal counsel that the DCCC’s blatantly false new ad was being pulled from the airwaves.”
According to the candidate, campaign attorneys were “on the steps of the Ocean County Courthouse to file our defamation lawsuit against the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC), former Speaker Nancy Pelosi and DCCC Chairman Steve Israel” when Comcast clued them into the latest development.
This is the second ad that the DCCC has had to pull in NJ-03 this cycle.