Bell, Lance Call for Ebola Travel Ban

Newark Liberty International Airport

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog

Newark Liberty International Airport
Newark Liberty International Airport

The AP (hardly a conservative think tank) is reporting that African countries are stemming the spread of Ebola by closing their borders.

You and I know how around 40% of the illegals in THIS country arrive legally… then simply vanish.

So wouldn’t temporary travel restrictions for Ebola-stricken countries make sense right now, Save Jerseyans? Given everything that’s going on? And the risks associated with one of the deadliest diseases known to man loose on our home soil? One which the CDC seems woefully ill-prepared to confront?

No! Say the Democrats who remain more obsessed with fealty to political correctness than their duty to defend our homeland. Like Sheila Jackson Lee who, bless her heart, doesn’t seem to understand that quarantines are supposed to precede the outbreak.

Republican congressmen and candidates are starting to speak up.

“The House Energy and Commerce Committee, of which I am a member, is actively assessing the federal health agencies’ response to the crisis and hearings have already begun,” said Rep. Leonard Lance in a statement released by his office on Thursday. “Every agency involved must be held accountable, and I am confident that the House stands ready to act in a bipartisan capacity if federal officials are unable to address the Ebola threat aggressively and effectively.”

“To this end, I call on President Obama to consider implementing immediately a temporary ban on U.S. travel to and from countries afflicted with the virus and suspending visas for travelers from Ebola-stricken areas abroad until the outbreak is under control as suggested by the leaders of the House Homeland Security Committee,” Lance continued.

U.S. Senate Republican nominee Jeff Bell went one step further, specifically asking for a federal ban on admitting foreign visa holders from Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone, the three hardest hit countries.

“Ebola never should have come to America, and we need to prevent more citizens from becoming infected by putting in place a temporary ban on visitors with visas from the three countries where this outbreak is concentrated,” said Bell. “The Northern New Jersey/New York City region is one of three metropolitan areas that handle nearly all of the airline passengers from these West African countries, and I don’t think simply screening at the airports is enough to stop the virus from coming in.”

Where do you stand, Save Jerseyans?


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Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.

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