Bramnick on 2015: GOP “ready on day one”

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog

It’s widely anticipated that Chris Christie’s time in New Jersey is limited, Save Jerseyans, especially after last week’s RGA electoral romp.

Someone needs to step up. Planning needed to start yesterday. Assembly GOP Leader Jon Bramnick (R-Union) is trying. Some speculate he’s even being groomed by the Governor, but what’s undeniable is the close relationship he’s maintained with the Christie front office throughout the late 2013 Senate leadership and post-Bridgegate scandal turmoil.

Bramnick spearheaded a statewide “Real Talk” tour over the fall months to promote his Republican caucus.

On Monday, after news broke of a Monmouth University/Asbury Park Press poll finding 50% of New Jerseyans eager to move away, Bramnick said it’s just another reason for voters to turn control of the legislature back to Republicans in 2015.

“For seven consecutive years, polling has shown that half of our residents want to leave the state while Democrats have controlled the Legislature,” the Assemblyman said in a statement. “While Democrats continue to call for higher taxes, Republicans in the legislature have been the only consistent voice fighting to make our state more affordable. Far too many New Jersey residents have been forced to leave our state because of high taxes and a high cost of living. Republicans are ready on day one to give our residents the tax relief they deserve.”

Republicans have every reason to feel optimistic after Election 2014 but the extent to which the GOP was able to capitalize on its wave here in New Jersey is a subject for debate. Gerrymandering won’t help next year, either. 

Two things that could help? Besides Bramnick’s proven and admirable willingness to put miles on his car? And fighting against the urge to revert to the Whitman era of big government Republicanism?

(1) a united opposition to any sales tax hike and (2) someone starting a Super PAC to combat the Democrats’ super-advantage from last cycle.


Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8758 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.


  1. Considering that “Corzine Democrats” disaster and the amount of money spent for 600 extra votes in LD 22, this bunch couldn’t match socks for a one legged person. Won’t mention the loser they recruited for two cycles to run in the 20th LD.

  2. Doesn’t matter how much Christie “grooms” him if he doesn’t have name recognition. Christie got elected because everyone heard his name on the news due to role as Attorney General. Bramnick or any other Republican candidate needs the same exposure.

    Also, there needs to be a real push for get out the vote with Republicans. One has to question with only 33% of voters going to the polls in the midterms if Bell could have won if Republicans went to the polls.

    Also New Jersey Republicans seriously need to do something about the Legislature. Not sure how – but without that, no Republican governor can do much. Most of what Christie has been able to do was merely hold the Democrat controlled NJ Legislature in check. We got no tax reductions. No meaningful changes in the NJ Supreme Court.

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