By Art Gallagher | MoreMonmouthMusings

Congressman Frank Pallone issued the following statement regarding the St. Louis County, Missouri Grand Jury’s decision not to indict Officer Darren Wilson in the shooting death of Michael Brown:
“The St. Louis County Grand Jury’s decision not to indict Officer Darren Wilson is a failure of our justice system. The principle of ‘Equal Justice under Law’ must apply to all Americans. My thoughts and prayers are with Michael Brown’s family, especially his parents, who have endured such unimaginable pain and hardship over these past few months.”
Pallone’s statement is disgraceful and beneath his office. He did not sit on the Grand Jury and hear the evidence.
Another unqualified congressman from the Peebles Republic of Noo Joisey.
what a ass!
Poor taxpayers of Ferguson were screwed either way. If their police tried to stop the looting and burning, they would have shot one or two of the criminals and paid a fortune defending themselves against civil rights charges brought by President Obama and Eric Holder. And so they decided it was cheaper to do nothing and defend lawsuits from just the burned out and looted businesses and insurance companies. Liberty and Prosperity
I call his re-election a “failure of justice”.
He is himself a failure of justice.
He’s a complete tool. The majority of voters in my district are mentally deficient.
Pallone himself a DBAG failure…
What can I say, he is an idiot FERMENTED KOOL – AID DRINKER !