Next up: Gopal wants to take on Casagrande and Angelini

Monmouth County, N.J.

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog

Asw. Caroline Casagrande (R-11)
Asw. Caroline Casagrande (R-11)

Monmouth County Democrat Chairman Vin Gopal was once considered a real up-and-comer in state Democrat political circles.

Election 2014 demonstrated that he’s more accurately described as ambitious-and-possible? Certainly not down-and-out, granted, but the wheels have absolutely come off of his Democrat county insurgency. The GOP freeholder slate swept to victory with better than 8,000 votes separating second place finisher Lillian Burry and Democrat challenger Larry Luttrell.

Chairmen who want to win would spend December mending fences, recruiting candidate and raising money. Gopal? According to’s The Auditor, Save Jerseyans, he’s plotting a second Assembly run in LD11. “Considering” it is the political equivalent of thirsty/hungry/striving for a bid.

“The Democratic freeholder candidates won the district by more than 3,000 votes,” Gopal told The Auditor. “It just shows that there is a lack of trust in Republican elected officials in that district.”

Asw. Mary Pat Angelini (R-11)
Asw. Mary Pat Angelini (R-11)

Gopal fell short of taking down Casagrande by better than 3,000 in 2011.

Similarly, in 2015, defeating either or both Mary Pat Angelini and Caroline Casagrande will take more than playing off of alleged trust issues. Vin would need midterm (or maybe even presidential cycle) turnout in an off-cycle year without any big-ticket, up-ballot race to drive Democrat turnout in Asbury Park and Neptune.

Possible? Hell, Maryland just elected a Republican Governor. It’s an amazing world.

But I wouldn’t bet on it.

Were I walking in Vin’s shoes? I’d respect the math and focus on a more useful endeavor for his hobbled and humbled organization… like recruiting a county-wide candidate who doesn’t flip out on old ladies

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8729 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.

1 Comment

  1. Vin Gopal’s middle name must be Don Quixote. In any case Vinny blew his wad last fall and he has no credibility with big donors anymore. Unless he got Jesus Christ to run, he hasn’t a chance against two popular and effective Assemblywomen. Maybe you might try running a few races for dog catcher, eh Vin?

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