By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog
If the RINO hunters going after Boehner voters won’t stand down after reliving this fantastic address from the late godfather of social media, Andrew Breitbart, then frankly, Save Jerseyans, I don’t know what could possibly sway’em. Maybe a heavenly host? Or a barrel of elephant tranquilizer?
Try this on for size:
But Matt Rooney is a RINO.
Ryan Anthony beat me to it
Why do Boehner Republicans think that insulting, attacking, and marginalizing the people who put them back in control of Congress is a victory? http://www.libertyandprosperity.org
Can you knock off with attacking the base for a day or two, please? We really are not your enemy.
@Seth & @Elaine: Did either of you bother to watch the video?
Unless Republican leaders think people who believe in limited, constitutional inexpensive government with low taxes for everyone, laws and taxes that apply equally to everyone, and that immigration laws should be enforced, are their enemy.
@Seth A simple “no” would’ve sufficed!
You could make the case that anybody post-Barry Goldwater is a RINO.
Best line is at 1:50,
“If you’re not in that bunker cause you’re not satisfied with this candidate, more than shame on you, you’re on the other side.” #GrowTheGOP
Huh, I posted this to my wall Wednesday morning, glad I wasn’t the only one who thought to post it.
Our movement has been through a lot, Boehner getting reelected as speaker is NOT going to be the thing that breaks our resolve.
J.D. What resolve? What exactly do today’s Republican leaders believe in that most of us believe in?
Yes I saw the video. If he were alive today, Breitbart would probably be as angry as me. Instead of thanking Tea Party conservatives with a seat at the table for helping them regain their power, these Republican leaders betrayed us. They viciously attack and ridicule us rather Obama Democrats. They say things and make deals that enable and strengthen Obama Democrats. They are buffers who protect our enemies. http://www.Libertyandprosperity.org