Christie Looking Likely to Launch Exploratory Committee

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog

There are plenty of cogent, factually-based reasons to be for (and against) a Christie presidential run in 2016, Save Jerseyans; the uncertain ending of the Bridgegate scandal remains among the biggest strikes against. I’m constantly wrestling with it myself; only a handful of people (at this moment) know the answer.

The crazy part: 2016 could – unbelievably – end up featuring a Christie vs. Romney vs. Bush battle royale. Most expensive primary history? You bet. The establishment consultant class is already drooling.

Today it’s looking more like a possibility than this time last week:

  • Mitt Romney in New HampshireBush was already in it to win it. Over the weekend, we got confirmation from the man himself that Mitt is, in fact, *unofficially* exploring another run.

Did winning get any easier? No.

But with a field in severe flux, Save Jerseyans, that’s an assessment we can’t make with a high degree of certainty until it takes on a more stable shape. Maybe Chris Christie’s team is betting on chaos in the establishment sector serving as an unexpected ally…

Today? I’m betting he announces something next week. He can’t wait too much longer if he wants to keep serious money men in his sphere of courtship; taking a formal step would also signal personal confidence that Bridgegate is water under the bridge. The Guv can also ride his Cowboys coverage and #SOTS address buzz into a seamlessly-dominated two-week news cycle.

Tomorrow? Ask me then!

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.


  1. Neither Bush, Christie or Romney will win the support of the majority of social conservatives in the primary. Like they did in 2008 with Huckabee and 2012 with Santorum, they will rally around a candidate who wears his faith – particularly his pro-life credentials – on his sleeve. The final “pairing” will come down to a social conservative versus the more moderate, establishment choice… whether it’s one of the three aforementioned candidates or someone else (Jindal, Walker, etc.) And don’t rule out Cruz or Paul either.

  2. His chances of winning are the same as the Dallas Cowboy’s winning a Super Bowl in the next decade.

  3. cWith his sorry record of higher and higher taxes, tolls and fees along with more and more spending, Christie has no chance. Bridgegate is just the tip of the iceberg. The rest of the GOP sees through this RINO charlatan, and he’ll never get beyond Iowa and New Hampshire.

  4. @ Dale Gladding, Will social conservatives sway the primary? Yes. Will either Santorum or Huckabee win the nomination? No. IMHO, I think they could deny a Bush, Romney Christie nomination. But that would indeed leave the door open for a dark horse candidate, Walker, Pence or Kasich for example. Personally, I really don’t think Bush dynasty will sell. Romney lost twice, why does he deserve a third chance to lose again. I don’t buy the “Romney was proven right” meme. He’s too soft to go after Hillary. That’s why he earned the nickname Mittens, Christie’s future does have clouds over it and the establishment vote will be splintered so it’s a toss up for him.I for one wish Bush and Romney would stay out. If the party wants and establishment guy, Christie would be the fresh face.

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