Stender won’t discuss Habitat scandal on camera… after chiding Christie over Sandy aid disbursements!

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog

We always knew Linda Stender was a spender, Save Jerseyans, willing to line her pockets with our tax dollars.

But did I ever think she and her hubby would take advantage of a charity? At a time when plenty of New Jerseyans are still homeless from the long-lingering effects of a natural disaster?

Watch this shocking video, courtesy of our friends at Chasing New Jersey, but put a towel on your desk as a precaution in case your jaw precipitously drops mid-view:

Here’s what’s even MORE outrageous: one year ago, Stender the Spender was a leading vocal critic of the Christie Administration’s disbursement of Sandy funds to families trying to rebuild!

“It is unconscionable that the Christie administration is willfully violating state law and refusing to shine light on questions about where and how federal Sandy aid has been spent,” the veteran legislative fraud declared in her press release, “especially in light of the problems that have been reported with contractors hired to help administer the funds.”

“Before we spend another billion-plus dollars that is expected in federal aid, it’s important that we know where the first almost $2 billion went,” concluded Stender.

I’m sure there are some Habitat for Humanity donors wondering the same thing this morning, Assemblywoman… 

You’re a disgrace. Resign. Yesterday.

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.


  1. Filthy pig woman. OINK OINK you greedy limousine Liberal pig. John Wisniewski better be going for her throat …

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  1. REPORT: Stender won’t run again in 2015 | The Save Jersey Blog

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