Budget Eve Bombshell: Court orders Christie to make pension payments

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog

You can read Monday afternoon’s decision here, Save Jerseyans. The State of New Jersey must come up with a way to replace a $1.6 billion pension cut by June 30th.

piggy bank“The court cannot allow the State to simply turn its back on its obligations to New Jersey’s public employees–especially,” explained Superior Court Judge Mary Jacobson, “in light of the fact that the State’s failure to make its full payment constitutes a substantial blow to the solvency of the pension funds in violation of plaintiffs’ constitutional rights, and due to the fact that the terms of the UAAL payments were set forth–and even publicly endorsed–by the Governor himself.”

The decision is a major complication for the Christie Administration just hours away from the Governor’s FY2016 budget address. Having already pledged to hold the line on taxes, Chris Christie is left with limited options: (1) borrowing at a time when your credit rating is already sinking, or (2) deep cutting. Veteran Christie spokesman Michael Drewniak, reacting on behalf of the Governor, decried the Court’s ruling as “liberal judicial activism.” 

Need a little background/perspective on what we’re facing? Since this is all anyone in New Jersey politics is likely to discuss over the next 24 hours? Click here to read our definitive Save Jersey pension history, here for some relevant numbers, and here for a little tough love.

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8597 Articles
MATT ROONEY is SaveJersey.com's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.


  1. Cut all social services and school funding and pay the pension. rob from peters kids to pay that bloated slob paul

  2. So now that the governor broke the law and has to pay up, who’s going to pay the penalty? Since he refuses to legalize and tax marijuana, I guess it’s time to punish the poor again….that is, after we drug test them first since being poor is a crime.

  3. Fiscal responsibility is no longer in the republican dictionary. NJ is like a banana republic . Norquist is happy. Is Paul Singer hovering yet?

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