Christie: “duct tape and some string” won’t fix pension system

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog

From town hall #131 in Freeholder:


Governor Christie: Now I wish I was Governor during a time when there was more money coming in over the transom than I could count and I could come to meetings like this and promise you all kinds of new programs and I’m going to fund them and they’re not going to cost you anything and don’t you worry about it. Everything is great. Listen, things are much better in the state than they were before. We have 8500 fewer employees on the state payroll today than the day I became Governor. We’re spending $2.3 billion less in all the other spending, beside pension, health care, and debt service than we did eight years ago. We’ve made government smaller. We’ve made it less expensive; we’ve held the line on taxes. Things are a lot better than they were five years ago from a state fiscal perspective but this is the big problem, and if we don’t fix that problem we’ll go broke, and I don’t know how that helps anybody. It doesn’t help the taxpayers; it doesn’t help the people who are hoping to collect a pension. It doesn’t help, doesn’t help anybody who cares about this state and calls it home, so the easiest thing for me to do is I got 2 ½ years left in office. Believe me, I could slide through this for the next 2 ½ years. We could, you know, put it together with some duct tape and some string and everything would be fine and I could hand it off to the next guy. That’s not who I am and it’s not what I intend to do. We made big changes to the pension and health benefit system in 2011. That saved an extraordinary amount of money and gave us an opportunity now to finish the fix, but we need to. We need to finish it, because if we don’t, if we don’t, our children and grandchildren will not be able to afford to live here and they probably won’t want to, because it will not be the kind of state that invests in their future because we’re spending too much money on the promises of the past.

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.


  1. Start calling!!!…2 bills, S-1287 and A-3931, have been introduced to the Senate and Assembly that would eliminate “justifiable need” as a requirement to being issued a permit to possess a firearm. They lack sponsorship and have not been moved to a vote in the Law and Public Safety Committees of the respective houses. Enough is enough…write, call and email your representative and DEMAND that these bills be given a vote of the full Senate and Assembly. Demand that your representative sign on as a sponsor or tell you why not.

  2. I’d love to see it but there is no way in hell that will get past the democratic senate and assembly

  3. As often said, Christie is NO Republican! If he were, he would never make this statement, “I wish I was Governor during a time when there was more money coming in over the transom than I could count and I could come to meetings like this and promise you all kinds of new programs…” Rather, he would say, ” I wish I was Governor during a time when there was more money coming in over the transom than I could count and I would LOWER YOUR TAXES AND LET YOU SPEND YOUR MONEY THE WAY YOU CHOOSE TO DO! I do not want more programs; I want more freedom.

  4. Tell our lefty grandchildren who believe all should be free to illegal immigrants, we should cancel all sports, etc. when allowing any and all into the country, and spend the education dollars on ESL classes for those who do not speak the language including third generation people who have made no effort, free college for them, food stamps, unemployment, more $ for having more children… The bill/national debt will be yours to pay when you become a taxpayer in a few short years- good luck, I will be gone.

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