The Democrat Party’s ‘Hidden’ Mold Infestation

By Dan Cirucci | Dan Cirucci’s Blogspot

So now the moldy, not-so-little secret is out.

Surely you must know what I’m talking about.

Well, maybe not. Because this was a quite well-kept secret for longer than it deserved to be. So, maybe you don’t know after all and maybe I’ll just have to come out and say it.

Here goes: The Democrats are old, cranky and worn-out.

And, here’s the worst part: Their ideas are as old as they are. They not only lack a young, vital bench but they also lack fresh approaches that can break through the failed liberal policies of the 1960s.

Moldy_old_breadRecently re-elected Senate Democrat leader Harry Reid and recently re-elected House Democrat leader Nancy Pelosi are both 74. Not 74 combined but 74 as 74 + 74 = 148! That’s lots of years!

Vice-President Joe (aka “Unlce Joe”) Biden is 72.

Pelosi’s top assistant in the House is Steny Hoyer. He’s 75.

Are you following me? Ok now, stay with me. We’ve still got a ways to go.

Who was the Democrats’ top vote-getter on November 4? Yeah, I know that they didn’t have many winners at all but would you believe me if I told you it was a 76-year-old who ran for president in 1976? That’s would be California Governor Jerry Brown who was first elected to office 44 years ago. And now Jerry Brown is one of the Democrat Party’s potential 2016 president aspirants, as is Biden. Their combined age is also 148, which seems to be a magic number for the Democrats this year.

Then there’s the redoubtable Hillary Clinton – the Big Kahuna, darling of aging baby boomers, newly-crowned grandma and leading candidate for the 2016 presidential nomination. If elected president, she would be pushing 70 when she takes office.

Now, look at some of the fresh, young Republican faces currently gaining national attention: Marco Rubio, 43; Rand Paul, 51; Ted Cruz, 43; Chris Christie, 52; Bobby Jindal, 43; Scott Walker, 47; Paul Ryan, 44; Joni Ernst, 44; Susana Martinez, 55; Thom Tillis, 54; Cory Gardner, 40; Ted Cruz, 43. I could go on. . . .

And, yes I know that the congressional GOP leadership consists of Mitch McConnell (72) and John Boehner (65) but just beneath them in the top posts are a few forty-somethings ready to take on the reigns of leadership. In fact, the House and Senate are now full of bright, new, young GOP members.

But it’s not just the age factor.

It’s the ideas. The Democrat Party is full of old people with old ideas – ideas like nationalized medicine, affirmative action, business-busting rules and regulations, higher taxes and bigger government. The Democrat Party remains tied to old labor, old ideologues and old intrusions into every aspect of our lives. Indeed, even liberalism’s tie to old academia (where political correctness is more stringently enforced than ever) is laughable in the face of a global information age that is revolutionizing education.

The new people, the new ideas and the new solutions are in the Republican Party and the November election proved this.

The Republican Party now comfortably controls not only the House and the Senate but also 32 of the nations 50 governor’s seats including key states such as Ohio, Michigan, Illinois, Wisconsin and Florida. The party also has a firm grip on most state legislatures.

Yes, America — there’s mold in the basement along with Granny Hill, Uncle Joe, cranky cousin Harry and scary aunt Nancy. It’s called the Democrat Party.

Dan Cirucci
About Dan Cirucci 390 Articles
Dan Cirucci, the founder and editor-in chief of the Dan Cirucci Blog (, is one of the most widely honored public relations professionals in his field and a public relations consultant to numerous organizations and individuals.


  1. Great article. New Jersey Dem legislators and NJ politicians in general strangle this state with substantive policy that doesn’t work, over regulation, and myriad legislation on non-substantive issues that waste time, money, and resources while doing nothing to tackle real problems::; economy, jobs, taxes. The political class lords over the citizens controlling everything we do, while simultaneously denying us the means by which to defend ourselves against criminal violence by violating our Constitutional right to carry firearms.

  2. Great argument, however we must remember that the great Ronald Reagan was less than three weeks from his 70Th. birthday when he was sworn in as president.

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