Estefanía Isaías, Bob Menendez, and the campaign cash scheme that could topple Hillary Clinton

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog

Bob Menendez’s strong support for Hillary Clinton’s 2008 presidential candidacy is low hanging fruit after Friday’s indictment-pending news, Save Jerseyans. The real juicy fruit? And what could prove devastating to the struggling Clinton campaign juggernaut?

It’s story time, Save Jerseyans: During her tenure as Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton’s department overturned a ban that had prevented “a wealthy, politically connected Ecuadorean woman from entering the United States after her family gave tens of thousands of dollars to Democratic campaigns, according to finance records and government officials.” Her name: Estefanía Isaías. She had been barred from entering the U.S. “after being caught fraudulently obtaining visas for her maids.”

bob menendez bill clintonRemember the name.

Why? One of the Democrats beneficiaries of Isaías’s largess was Bob Menendez.

To the tune of $30,000.

Quid pro quo? After pocketing the campaign cash, “the senator and his staff repeatedly made calls, sent emails and wrote letters about Ms. Isaías’s case to Mrs. Clinton, Ms. Mills, the consulate in Ecuador, and the departments of State and Homeland Security“(Cheryl Mills, btw, was Clinton’s COS). Balsera Communications, the firm of Obama fundraiser and major Clinton backer Alfredo Balsera, spearheaded Isaías’s visa push. Clinton’s office actively engaged the case.

From all accounts, as we’ve discussed here before, it was part of an elaborate Democrat cash-for-favors foreign policy scheme, a network from which Floridian eye doctor Salomon Melgen allegedly benefited through his own donations to Democrat committees and candidates (again, including Menendez, who received thousands of dollars in donations and had to repay $58k for flights after the story firsy came light). And now that particular connection could prove to be Senator Menendez’s undoing.


Now, this story ALONE might not sink Hilldawg because she’s got media cover. Granted. BUT, how many others like Ms. Isaías bought their way around a ban by helping out the Democrat Party? There are likely plenty of other stories like this out there… maybe in emails on that secret server at Chappaqua? And after a lackluster shadow campaign and an email scandal weakening her aura of inevitability and luring potential challengers out of hiding (Gore visiting IA, O’Malley to NH, etc.), getting caught up in the whirlpool sucking down Bob Menendez might be just enough to tip the scales against her at a time of increased vulnerability.

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.

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  1. OPINION: With trust gone, Menendez must resign | The Save Jersey Blog
  2. In Bergen, incumbent Tanelli still (?) letting Menendez raise his money | The Save Jersey Blog
  3. If history is any guide, Menendez will be around for awhile | The Save Jersey Blog

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