By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog
Senate President Steve Sweeney says a new push for pump-your-own gas stations in New Jersey is DOA, Save Jerseyans, but beginning in fall 2017, you’re going to need to get out of your car to pay anyway.
Weigh in:
No, thank you.
Hey, I think I had a long comment eaten. Any chance to get it back?
It’s the one joy I have left in this freakin’ state! No!!!
Would you folks who are adamantly opposed, or just plain old don’t favor the practice, be willing to let the gas stations owners or companies decide on how they would run their business?
I like having attendants pump my gas, but as a libertarian I object to government being involved. Let the marketplace decide.
I’d say “yes”, but if they started allowing self-serve I would miss the wonderful, fulfilling, culturally-significant interludes between myself and the loquacious gentlemen from the Middle East, who unfailingly greet me with: “Cash or credit? How much you want?!?”