Disabled protesters demand ouster of Princeton’s resident ghoul Peter Singer

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog

Peter Singer is back in the news, Save Jerseyans, after disability advocates gathered on Wednesday to demand his ouster.

You know the story. This notoriously far-left 68-year old Princeton “bioethics” professor – who has gone as far as to suggest that there’s nothing weird/wrong about bestiality, a point upon which even most New Jersey legislative Democrats would disagree – also openly advocates euthanasia for disabled infants. He’s a real ghoul.

Detractors have demanded Singer’s head since Princeton hired him back in 1999. “One point on which I agree with opponents of abortion is that, from the point of view of ethics rather than the law, there is no sharp distinction between the fetus and the newborn baby,” Singer chillingly explained during a 2006 newspaper interview, conceding that he would absolutely support murdering a disabled newborn “if that was in the best interests of the baby and of the family as a whole.”

His most recent hate speech (and the catalyst for the protest) occurred in April when he took to the radio and called for Obamacare advocates to be more overt in expressing a need to deny health coverage care to disabled children. “Rationing” is the buzz word of choice.

The very folks he’d like to see dead are speaking out. Yesterday’s protest outside of Nassau Hall produced a particularly powerful sight as dozens of disabled protesters made their voices heard:

I’d like to think ALL of us could agree that murdering the handicap is wrong?

But I know it’s not true. Our politicians love to talk about “compassion” yet there’s very little of it to be found where this society’s most vulnerable citizens are concerned. For example, a plurality of Americans continue to turn a blind eye to the genocide perpetrated by Planned Parenthood, an organization founded by a eugenicist. Here in New Jersey, “assisted” suicide advocates continue to push for the legalization of euthanasia despite clear evidence of abuse.

You see, it’s hard for our liberal friends to draw the line because they don’t believe in a natural law from which human beings derive immutable rights, so when if it makes political sense to invent a “right to abortion” to win votes over here, they don’t appreciate any inconsistencies when they simultaneously lambaste Republicans for cruelty in opposing the dehumanizing welfare state.

And don’t kid yourself: Singer’s views are more mainstream in the Democrat Party than its leadership would like you to believe. Their platform no longer even aspires towards making abortion a rarity. Obamacare’s Nazi-esque rationing philosophy (a/k/a “death panels”), and deceptive funding for abortion, are not news. The aforementioned Planned Parenthood founder/eugenicist Margaret Sanger has been repeatedly trumpeted as a personal hero by presumptive 2016 Democrat presidential nominee Hillary Clinton (maybe the professor is a front runner for to serve as her HHS Secretary?). Singer is mainstreaming it… except for the whole animal sex thing. THAT is where they choose to draw the line. For now.

Professor Singer and I can agree on at least on point, Save Jersey: there is no sharp distinction between the fetus and the newborn baby. The difference lies in whether we believe that unqualified life is deserving of human respect and dignity. Incredibly…


Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is SaveJersey.com's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.


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