By Dan Cirucci | Dan Cirucci’s Blogspot
Don’t call it a tragedy.
Instead, call it was it is: an atrocity.
It’s an atrocious act by a jihadist; an act fed and perpetrated by radical Islam; an act of terrorism.
ALL active military should be armed; all responsible retired military should be armed; “gun free” zones must be vastly reduced; selective, targeted profiling must be reintroduced; citizens must be prepared to fight back and we must all contribute to the collection of intelligence.
We must be on guard. We must be ready to join this larger cause — everywhere; in every corner of our nation. We are at war right here on our own soil.
If the President or Vice President or certain governors or mayors or public officials don’t understand this, throw them the hell out!
Well said. We also need responsible adults in NJ to be able to make their own choices if they want to carry a firearm to defend themselves and their families. It works in the rest of the US and has made crime greatly decrease. It is NJ’s and the military’s time to be able to defend ourselves also.
Wrong, Guns are not the Answer! The Military, Veterans and Retirees were given warning about ISIS attacks starting about more then 3 months ago! The NSA, FBI DHS are all monitoring Islamic Communities across the US (Some Illegally) and they should have prevented this from happening! Local Police did their job and got the attacker and should be assigned off base locations for military or a Military police MPs should be stationed at each of these places! Being on guard and breaking routines is the best defense and forcing our FOK Ups in the FBI, DHS,ICE, LEIU and Fusion Centers and NSA to do their jobs would also help a lot too! Again Every American is responsible for their own Safety and Security and it is better to be judged by 12 then carried by Six!